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Night after night you're told a new disease, or terrorist bio attack is right next door, or coming soon. Should you cower in fear, and hide in your home, shunning all human contact?Or is there something positive you can do right now?

Anthrax comes from a bacteria.
Wext Nile Virus obviously is a virus.
And the next plagues will be bacterial or viral as well.

As I have said over and over publicly for years, on 1500 radio & TV shows and speaking platforms, and, as millions of doctors and patients have proven for over 50 years,

"Primitive anaerobic lifeforms and toxins - like bacteria and viruses - can't exist when surrounded consistently by active forms of oxygen!"
You do the math.

Why isn't everyone using this therapy?
Because no one with money owns patents on it, so there is no incentive to tell you about it. In my own well researched, and very experienced expert opinion, which I have been expressing for 14 years,

"If you clean your body out with oxygen, and you keep it loaded with oxygen daily, you are the one who has a far better chance of surviving disease exposure than anyone else!"
"People who get sustained recirculatory ozone autohemo perfusion will be the first to recover."

Keep in mind, that any treatment you end up with will be enhanced if you oxygenate your body with active forms of oxygen. But, to acheive maximum effectiveness, the oxygen or ozone therapies must be given safely, consistently, and correctly, for months at a time. Far better to start supplementing now. Playing catch-up after being infected is at best like playing Russian Roulette. Nothing is perfect.

What is Anthrax?
Anthrax is caused by bacteria Bacillus anthracis. Upon exposure to air, anthrax forms a spore, which can become airborne to cause infection to exposed individuals. Anthrax spore can cause disease by coming in contact with abraded skin or wounds; inhalation; or ingestion.

What are the effects of Anthrax?
Pulmonary anthrax starts with inhalation of anthrax spores. After an incubation period of one to seven days, an exposed individual develops flu-like symptoms {malaise, fatigue, myalgia (body ache), fever and non-productive cough} that persist for two to three days. After a levelling of symptoms or improvement, severe respiratory distress with symptoms of dyspnea (difficulty breathing), stridor (grating sound on inspiration that is associated with upper respiratory obstruction), cyanosis (bluish colour in skin due to lack of O2 exchange due to lung damage), increased chest pain, tachycardia (excessively rapid heart rate) and diaphoresis (excessive sweating) develop. Fifty percent of victims will develop meningitis. Within twenty-four to thirty-six hours, the victim experiences the rapid onset of shock and subsequent death.

Why Anthrax?
The small quantity of anthrax needed for a lethal inhalation dose makes concealment, transportation, and dissemination very easy. An anthrax aerosol is odorless and invisible, making it a very stealthy killer. Only a millionth of a gram of anthrax is a lethal dose. A kilogram can eradicate hundreds of thousands of individuals living in a metropolitan area. Another characteristic making anthrax an effective biological agent, is that anthrax spores can be stored for decades without losing their viability.

What is West Nile Virus?
Introduction (From The CDC):

West Nile (WN) virus has emerged in recent years in temperate regions of Europe and North America, presenting a threat to public, equine, and animal health. The most serious manifestation of WN virus infection is fatal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in humans and horses, as well as mortality in certain domestic and wild birds.

West Nile virus was first isolated from a febrile adult woman in the West Nile District of Uganda in 1937. The ecology was characterized in Egypt in the 1950s. The virus became recognized as a cause of severe human meningoencephalitis (inflammation of the spinal cord and brain) in elderly patients during an outbreak in Israel in 1957. Equine disease was first noted in Egypt and France in the early 1960s. The appearance of WN virus in North America in 1999, with encephalitis reported in humans and horses, may be an important milestone in the evolving history of this virus.

Geographic Distribution:
West Nile virus has been described in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, west and central Asia, Oceania (subtype Kunjin), and most recently, North America. Recent outbreaks of WN virus encephalitis in humans have occurred in Algeria in 1994, Romania in 1996-1997, the Czech Republic in 1997, the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1998, Russia in 1999, the United States in 1999-2001, and Israel in 2000. Epizootics of disease in horses occurred in Morocco in 1996, Italy in 1998, the United States in 1999-2001, and France in 2000. In the U.S. through July 2001, WN virus has been documented in Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Ohio, and the District of Columbia.


Flavivirus Japanese Encephalitis Antigenic Complex
Complex includes:
Alfuy, Cacipacore, Japanese encephalitis, Koutango, Kunjin, Murray Valley encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, Rocio, Stratford, Usutu, West Nile, and Yaounde viruses.
share a common size (40-60nm), symmetry (enveloped, icosahedral nucleocapsid), nucleic acid (positive-sense, single stranded RNA approximately 10,000-11,000 bases), and appearance in the electron microscope.

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